上海重颖电子材料有限公司专注于为电子加工业客户提供标识解决方案和精密模切部件。我们生产和销售的高性能标识,打印系统,精密模切部件可以帮助PCBA厂商,电子器件和设备加工商解决标识和装备方面的需求。 增值,品质和易用是我们的宗旨,我们在不断的开发各种品种的标签材料和精密模切材料以满足客户在不同生产环境下的需求。为客户提供包括标签、打印、测试、包装等整体解决方案。 Chong ying Electronic is being in business of providing label and precision die-cut products to a growing customer base in electronic industry. We are serving in application of assembling and identification with durable high labels, printing systems and die-cut parts. Value, quality and easy to apply are always be our targets. We are keeping to design new material and test new application to meet your challenge in different envirements. Offer label, printing, test, package solutions.

上海重颖电子材料有限公司 Copyright@2021 版权所有
公司地址:上海 上海 浦东新区 高桥季景北路652号
联系人:许(先生/女士)   电话:021-50411123
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